Bioelectrics. Our bodies function on an integrated signaling system. we are an open system of open systems. Without our ‘vitality’ (Qi, Prana, Ki, Lhung) that ‘runs’ our collection of systems, the body is merely inert matter. That energy/vitality itself has an organized that integrates throughout the other systems, just like the nervous system or vasculature system, it is simply more subtle.
The meridians or acupuncture channels are the main energetic pathways of the Qi. The formal acupoint locations on those meridians tend to have lower electric resistance than other areas on the skin surface. Unique concentrations of nano structures were discovered to aggregate around the points (Georgetown Univ, 2010).
So how is a treatment developed? The acupuncture points can be viewed as analogous to a keyboard. If you hand a keyboard to a child, an electrical engineer, or a poet, you can expect very different outcomes, correct? Combinations of points send a signal to the subtle aspect of the mind-body system to elicit a particular healing response. That response though mostly imperceptible to us, is very powerful. It is the deep knowledge of the biological imperative to survive and thrive and incorporates the second-brain of our bodies, the immune system. It is the very thing that effectuates the process of spontaneous remission. We are constantly in a state of spontaneous remission, whether we are healing cuts, metabolizing out unhealthy cells or wastes, or healing from a serious injury or illness, these deep-mind level mechanisms make that happen.
Deep-mind = the Buddhist assumption that the foundation of all things and being is Consciousness. Consciousness is the ground of being, not a substrate of the brain. A few basic examples of this is phantom limb sensation, remote viewing, somatized emotion/trauma, variable lucidity of cognitive decline illnesses. The brain and nervous system are facilitating the processing of experience in the physical body, not encapsulating it.
Your capacity to forecast Yourself and your idea of your future self (goals) into existence is part of your creative capacity. This creative capacity is similar to how we use the imaginal to make objects, art, problem solve, etc. Your experience of healing is no mere “placebo effect”. Placebo effect is a convenient term for pharma studies to have some comparison against the presence of certain chemicals in a body or not. Your mind is a mansion of many rooms and dimensions. Placebo effect is some corner of the basement in that structure. In other words, never sell yourself short in your capacity to heal.
Dr. Tracy has identified thirty unique points that she incorporates into her acupuncture treatments. She has developed specialized protocols for fertility treatments that increase basal body temperature by 0.2 to 0.4 degrees post-treatment. Additionally, she offers distinctive treatments for conditions such as sciatica, psoas/groin/flexor pain, migraine, TMJ, and digestive motility issues. Her doctoral capstone paper on the topic is available upon request.